Sleep Health

Improving employees’ sleep is currently accepted as an important wellness strategy in many organisations. With a better sleep, employees’ mental and physical health will improve and they will be more productive. Organisations will benefit from reduced absenteeism, workplace incidents, and healthcare costs.

At Somniance we offer a variety of workplace sleep wellness workshops focusing on improvement of sleep quality, development of healthy sleep habits and adaptation to shift-working schedules. 

Sleep better, be smarter and live longer.   

This popular brief introduction into sleep improvement workshop can be delivered to employees at their place of work in groups of any size. Evidence-based advice on sleep optimisation will be provided for the participants.

Why do we need to sleep?
How much sleep is enough?
What happens during sleep?
Consequences of an accumulated sleep debt.
What is Sleep Homeostat?
Introduction to Circadian rhythms.
Development of healthy sleep habits. 

1 hour

Sleep disorders in workplace

Sleep disorders are highly prevalent in general population and in work place. Employees with sleep disorders can experience excessive day-time sleepiness, fatigue, reduction in attention and concertation, impacting their occupational performance. This workshop is recommended for occupational doctors, nurses, medical advisers and offshore medics.

Basic sleep science.
Leading theories of sleep functions.
How is sleep regulated through the interaction of homeostatic and circadian processes?
Different types of sleep disorders.
Common sleep disorders in industry.
How to recognise sleep disorders in occupational settings.
Help available for people with persistent sleep difficulties and sleep disorders.  

2 hours

Effect of shift work on health and performance

Shift work, or employment outside of typical daytime hours such as during the evening, night, or early morning hours, or employment that rotates within these hours, is highly prevalent, with approximately 29% of individuals working these alternative shifts in the US, observed in data collected from the 2010 National Health Interview Survey. Shift work forcefully disrupts normal sleep-wake cycle (circadian cycle) and can lead to development of Shift Work Disorder. This seminar is recommended for managers, occupational health professional and policy makers.
Introduction into circadian rhythms.
Common sleep-related problems in industry.
What is shift work disorder?
How common is shift work disorder?
Impact of insufficient sleep on employee's performance.
What are long tern medical consequences of circadian rhythms displacement.
Fatigue–risk trajectory.
Fatigue risk management principles. 

1 hour

Optimising Sleep for Shift Workers

This educational seminar is recommended for all shift workers. Shift workers who report excessive sleepiness during their shift and/or clinically significant disturbed sleep associated with social and occupational, are at risk for shift work disorder. The prevalence of shift work disorder has been estimated to be 10-23% in rotating shift and night shift workers.

Core functions of sleep.
Introduction into circadian rhythms.
What are signs and symptoms of shift work disorders?
Who is at the higher risk of developing shift work disorder?
Guidance on sleep management.
Strategies for better adaptation for shift work.
Fatigue – proofing techniques.
Strategic napping.
Adaptation during the transitional periods between shifts.
Fatigue self-assessment.
Fatigue recognition in co-workers.
Help available for people with sleep difficulties. 

2 hours

Mental Health

Mental health is important at every stage of life: from childhood and adolescence, through adulthood and to later life. Mental wellbeing describes how you are feel and how well you can cope with day-to-day life. People with good mental wellbeing are able to feel relatively confident and have positive self-esteem. Mental wellbeing determines how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices.  

Mental Health Awareness

Mental health is everyone’s business. We all can feel stressed and have times when feel down. Sometimes this feelings can develop into more serious problems. This workshop is relevant to everyone: to employees and employers. This workshops will provide participants with the tools to recognise the signs of mental distress, depression and anxiety in themselves and in their colleagues.

The importance of looking after your own mental health.
Types of mental disorders.
Recognising the signs of depression and anxiety disorder.
What supports is available?
How to start the conversation with colleagues?
How to support colleagues in crisis?  

1 hour

Emotional Health

Emotional well-being describes a combination of positive affect and general satisfaction with life. Our emotional well-being doesn’t always stay the same. Instead, emotional well-being is very dynamic and can change as life circumstances change. Workplace stress can negatively impact our emotional health and it is important for an employer to have a strategy in place to reduce employees’ stress at work. 

Dealing with stress: responding productively to pressure

Workplace stress is defined as the harmful reaction that people have to undue pressure and demands placed on them at work. When stress starts to negatively impact performance, health and wellbeing, we should identify the cause. Then we should apply required actions to reduce workplace stress. This workshop is relevant to everyone: to employees and employers. Participants will gain knowledge on work-related stress, burnout and how it can influence productivity and work-life balance.

What is stress response system?
Healthy stress system versus chronic stress.
Listening to the warning signs of stress.
Identify the common workplace stressors.
What to do when you feel you can’t cope.
Achieving equilibrium and developing happy habits.
Developing daily positive habits. 

Various seminars are available between 1 hour (brief introduction) and 4 hour training course (with use of stress reduction and resilience building techniques).  

Energy Health

In order to function at the optimal level, we need all bodily metabolic processes to work well. All metabolic processes require energy. When we start feeling tired and fatigued, it means that our bodies aren’t keeping up with the energy demands. The organs, which are the most demanding in energy supply, such as brain, heart and muscles, will be suffering from lack of energy at a greater degree. Therefore, fatigue can result in a lack of alertness, reduced vigilance, slower reaction time and reduced ability to make good decisions.

Energy level optimization. Dealing with fatigue.

Workers’ fatigue is a significant problem in modern industry. This can be explained by high demand jobs, long duty periods, disruption of circadian rhythms, and insufficient sleep that are common in many industries. When employees are tired they are less likely to be vigilant, their response time declines and they are often unable to detect that their job performance is declining. This can increase the risk of incidents and injury in a workplace. This workshop will educate participants on the sources of biological energy and will provide an advice on how to improve own energy level.

What is biological energy?
How is energy created in our bodies?
Top ten causes of fatigue.
Symptoms of fatigue.
Occupational Fatigue.
Assess your fatigue level.
How to increase your energy level and activity in daily life.
Ten principles for fatigue management.
What to do if fatigue persists.     

1 hour

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